Bluebeam Tip: Enhancing Document Navigation with Hyperlinking in Bluebeam Revu: Tips and Best Practices

May 01, 2024 1 min read

Bluebeam Tip: Enhancing Document Navigation with Hyperlinking in Bluebeam Revu: Tips and Best Practices

In today's fast-paced digital environment, navigating through extensive documents can be time-consuming. Fortunately, Bluebeam Revu offers robust hyperlinking capabilities that can transform your navigation experience, allowing for quick and easy access to specific parts of your documents. Here are some valuable tips for leveraging hyperlinks in Bluebeam Revu:

  • Create intuitive navigation: Use hyperlinks to connect various parts of a document or set of documents, such as linking a table of contents to individual sections, or connecting callouts to detailed sheets.
  • Batch Link feature: For larger document sets, take advantage of the Batch Link tool. This powerful feature automates the process of creating hyperlinks within your documents, saving you valuable time.
  • Link to external resources: Hyperlinks in Bluebeam Revu are not limited to internal document content. Link to external websites, network files, or even launch applications to provide additional resources or actions.
  • Customize your hyperlinks: Bluebeam Revu allows you to customize the appearance of your hyperlinks. Choose colors, highlights, or actions that occur when the link is clicked to enhance the user experience.
  • Use VisualSearch: Quickly add hyperlinks to symbols or objects across multiple pages or documents by using the VisualSearch feature to find and select these instances.

By integrating hyperlinks into your workflow, you'll facilitate better communication with project stakeholders, ensure quick access to critical information, and enhance the overall efficiency of your document management process.

Remember to check out NOVEDGE for more information on Bluebeam Revu and how it can streamline your project workflows.

You can find all the Bluebeam products on the NOVEDGE web site at this page.

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